Persistance: noun
1. perseverance, tenacity, determination, resolve, resolution, staying power, patience, endurance, application, diligence, dedication, commitment, stamina, doggedness, tirelessness
2. the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
The woman sitting by the front desk looked up in surprise as an enormous bunch of gold balloons tied with silver cascading ribbons bobbed optimistically through the large glass doors of the imposing grey-stone building. A book wrapped in clear cellophane and matching ribbons floated behind.
Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic seminar had already re-started after lunch and the gatekeeper guarding the door to the lecture theatre was reading quietly. Her long white hair swept up in a bun, the rest of her was comfortably wrapped in soft drapes of purple silk. She had not been expecting balloons. She raised her eyebrows as the bunch parted to reveal a woman dressed in a gold-sequin catsuit.
I hardly dared explain. What I thought was a good idea a year ago and even last week seemed ridiculous now. There must be a time and place for a gold-sequin catsuit and balloons. Judging by the expression on the woman’s face, this wasn’t it.
“I’m a magician.” Her eyebrows raised a little higher. “I got off my cruise ship to come to the workshop but I can’t stay because I have a show tonight and I have to catch the next train back.”
When she still didn’t say anything, I added.
“I’ve written a book inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. I finished and published it in time for this workshop and I've brought it to give to her.” I didn’t mention the balloons.Thirty gold balloons can speak for themselves.
If you're puzzled, let me explain. This is from the epilogue of my book:
“And then my imagination jumped up and imagined giving Liz Gilbert a thick stack of paper wrapped up in beautiful swirls of gold organza and curling ribbons.
Oh, and gold helium balloons! Squeaked my five-year-old inner child. I bet she’d love balloons! Please, please, balloons! Balloons!
How am I going to get on the tube with a huge bunch of balloons? asked my older practical self. But getting excited about making a beautiful gift to Liz that her book and podcasts had inspired was enough to silence my inner critic. It wasn’t about me anymore; it was about honouring Liz’s inspiring work and spirit with a book in return."